District One Meeting, December 12th, 2010
Lost and Found Club, 10:15 am
Emily began the District Meeting with a moment of silence and then the Serenity Prayer. Then Jake read the GSR Preamble. Approximately 20 in attendance. Emily is now our Acting DCM.
Personal introductions were made by each GSR.
A motion was made, seconded and passed to approve the minutes.
Treasurer’s Report:
Jake gave his Treasurer’s report. A copy of which is attached to the email. The only correction is the the $1 from the Steps to Freedom has now been deposited and is reflected in the one dollar overage.
The 7th tradition basket was passed.
Reminder: GSR Registration form must be filled out every two years, even if the same GSR is serving another term. Please fill it out and give it to Michelle (In-coming Area Registrar).
Old Business:
New emailing method. This subject has been tabled till the January District meeting so more info can be obtained and all new GSRs will have an opportunity to hear the proposal firsthand.
New Business:
Elections were held and these are the results:
Alt DCM………….Jake
Alt Treas………….Harold
Picnic Chair………Karine
Alt Picnic Chair…..Joanne
Workshop Chair…..Curtis
Web Servant……….Irene
THANKS to all who made themselves available to serve. Both In-Coming and Out-Going.
Also, a motion was made, seconded and passed to reimburse our DCM for PRAASA travel now since the Treasury can afford it.
Websites of Interest:
District One….https://www.districtone-nv.org
Area 42…….. http://www.nevadaarea42.org/
Address of Interest:
Group donations to the District should be made out to District One and mailed to the District One PO Box at:
District One
PO Box 90486
Henderson, NV 89009
This Year’s District Meetings Dates and Locations:
Dates: (With a few exceptions, we meet the Second Sunday of the Month)
Jan 9*, Feb 13, March 13** April 10, May 8*, June 12, July 10*, August 14, September 11**, October (Picnic, no meeting), November 13* , December 11
Locations: (With a few exceptions, we meet at the Lost and Found Club)
Lost and Found Club: 10:00am in Boulder City.
*Tie Club: immediately following the SAGSC meeting which starts at 1:15pm
**Tonopah: lunchtime at the Area Assembly. Lunch (pizza) is provided by the District.
March 4-6, 2011 – PRAASA Honolulu, HI
Respectfully Submitted by: Tom H, District Secretary