I. Introductions & Formalities
- Meeting held via Zoom due to shelter-in-place orders / covid-19
- Serenity Prayer
- GSR Preamble
- Minutes
- Emailed prior to meeting. Motion to approve minutes as is made and carried.
- Treasury, DCM, ADCM Reports
- Treasury Report – Marty
- Beginning Balance $2773.77
- Income $ 382.30
- Expenses $ 0.00
- Ending balance $3156.07
- Savings Account $504.40 – made a .01 cent in interest
- Looking for what group Joe S., making a contribution of $149.30 (from a GVG meeting) – let Marty know
- Holding all funds for next panel to support GSR’s going to PRAASA
- DCM Report – Libby
- Open position for Area Assembly from the South – Alt. Delegate, Chairperson, Secretary, Alt. Treasurer, Alt. Registrar, Archivist
- When signing in to Zoom and entering your name – if you are voting start with “1” then your name then your position, for example – “1 Libby G. – DCM Dist 1”; if you are not a voting member then start with a “2” when putting in your name, for example “2 Libby G. – DCM Dist 1”
- Workshop coming up Nov 14the from 2 to 4 pm via zoom combined with District 5B. I will need some volunteers to describe your experience for others. – Caroline volunteered and wants to talk about Central Office as well
- ADCM – Diana
- Go to the Area 42 website and look under Manual, Guides and Forms to find the Area Guidelines – they will give you all the information about requirements for positions and what the jobs entail.
- You can also find the SAGSC Guidelines there as well – there will be elections on November 8 for SAGSC positions – so if you didn’t get a position at the Area there will be plenty of positions
- Central office has completed it’s move and is now open – they are going to be equipped to handle zoom technology in the room
- Intros and Group Reports around the room
- Those in attendance: Janey, Caroline, Diana, Lou, Kevin, Colleen, Christine, Marty, Carol, Jake, John
- Friday Night Stepping Out – Janey – Zoom meeting still, did a distribution to various service groups, doing well
- Steps to Freedom – Diana – moved physical meeting to new Central Office, it will be a hybrid meeting – meets Thursdays at 7pm, this week will be the first time meeting at new location
- Sunrise Group – Lou – Meeting both zoom and in person as separate meetings, can have up to 35 people in person and usually get 25 for the zoom meetings
- Searchlight – Kevin – Zoom meeting going great, Wed is open to people, group is healthy
- Wed Women’s Big Book – Christine – Will continue to do zoom for a while, only can have 10 people in person, doing well
- Boulder City – Marty – in person meeting – will wear masks if anyone comes in wearing one and practicing social distancing, usually 8 to 10 people – no zoom and financially sound
- Women’s Rock Solid – Carol – zoom only, 10 to 15 people
- Friday Men’s Stag – John – meeting at the triangle club instead of 51 Club due to people restrictions, will move back to 51 club after pandemic
- Committee Reports
- Picnic Report – N/A – reserved location for next year
- Workshops – Libby – combined workshop Nov 14th with District 5B from 2 to 4 via zoom. Flyer is available and has been emailed to everyone – let Libby know if didn’t receive it and it will be sent to you. Also looking for volunteers to share about their district experience.
- Archives – Jake – everything has been moved to the new Central office space, Gabriel is working hard to get it all set up, Suggestion to capture how different groups in the district handled meetings – i.e. zoom or in person
- H&I – Lou – Attended last month’s meeting (this month is tomorrow) not much is going on, Have $18k in the bank account, Open facilities are: Westcare Detox, Crossroads and Women’s Salvation Army, working on setting up a Venmo account for Contributions, next meeting ID 831 566 422 pw 121212
- Grapevine – Colleen – waiting for Grapevine meeting to restart at Central Office, special section this month on Money and Spirituality, e-pub is $1.99/month and $19.99/year
- Hotline – Janey – doing well all shifts covered, looking for backup people, any group that doesn’t have a shift should try it, brief discussion about what to say about meetings that may not be actually in person even if the meeting is listed as in person “Providing the information we have but it may not be current”, try sending people to club houses and give them the phone numbers to call before they had over to confirm they are there, Seven Hills is listed as a group on the Central Office site but it is actually H&I panel – asked Lou if he would let them know at the next meeting
- PI/CPC – Janey – Doing their best to carry the message with PSAs and such, unable to fill literature racks at this time, looking forward to events returning in the future
- Intergroup – Caroline – meeting tomorrow – will send financial report to Rick to distribute, they had a $4k loss last month but due to 3 paycheck month and moving costs – as far as contributions they broke even – New address is 5115 E. Tropicana, Suite 710, send contributions to PO Box 42238, LV, NV 89116-2238, open M-Th 8 to 4 and Fri 8 to 12, phone number 702-274-7172, 40% of collections go to rent, board positions available – need to be 5 years sober and have a home group, Hotline phone 702-598-1888, Silverstreak is having a writing workshop in November, April 3 will be the Gratitude Ball at the Palace Station, discussion about a bad address on the website and how to change it – best to send correct via their website
- Traditions & Concepts
- Diana gave Concept 10 summary
- Marty gave Tradition 10 summary
- Colleen will do Tradition 11 summary in November
- New Business
- Consider meeting in person in December – for elections and to finish the panel – we’ll discuss again next month
- Motion to close
- Meeting closed at 11:40