I. Introductions & Formaities
A. Meeting held via Zoom due to shelter-in-place orders / covid-19
B. Serenity Prayer
C. GSR Preamble
II. Minutes
A. Emailed prior to meeting. Motion to approve minutes as is made and carried.
III. Treasury, DCM, ADCM Reports
A. Treasury Report (Marty)
1. See treasury report above
2. Started July with balance of $2,286.40, received one contribution, no expenses, so ending balance of $2,313,52. Saving balance of $504.39.
3. Some group discussion about contributions, addresses, and payees. Southern Area contributions should now be addressed to SAGSC.
a) *See reference item at end of is a cheatsheet from Jake.
B. DCM Report (Libby)
1. Everybody should have received email regarding FALL Assembly has been changed to a Zoom event – there wil be no physical attendance in Tonopah. Cancel your hotel reservations if necessary. It will still be an election assembly.
2. Next Sunday will be Whoopee Party Workshop from 2-4pm, Jake will be our MC and speaker. Will consist of intros, Jake as speaker, and then open mic with 5 topics positive topics to inspire discussion. Libby asked for our participation as volunteers to spearhead discussion during the workshop.
C. ADCM Report (Diana)
1. Latest issues of the Nevada Area 42 newsletter may be found by gong to www.nevadaarea42.org.
2. Regarding Brown Paper Tickets refund issues – for latest news on this or any other itmes there is contact page on area 42 website where you can send emails to area servants to get updated information.
IV. Intros and Group reports around the room
A. Those in attendance:
1. Marty, Diana, Greg, Rick, Kevin, John, Jake, Lou, Carol, Janie, Christine, Chris.
B. Items of Note:
1. **Diana noted that Central Office currently acceting list of meetings/groups looking for meeting space.
2. Next Area meeting will be held the second week in November, 11/8.
a) If planning on standing for position for the Area, you can beging getting service resume together now for that November meeting.
b) Jake will forward examples of service resumes to the group..
3. Decisions still varied from group to group, but some groups are currently holding in person meetings, some holding zoom, some holding both.
4. More groups are strating to have more in person meetings.
5. Groups doing what they can to ensure contributions continue.
6. There are also struggles associated with holding groups together in these times. Everyone is doing their best to keep groups together, communicating, and informed.
V. Committee Reports
A. Picnic Report – Rick
1. After much discussion, motion made to cancel district picnic and then make decision after our Whoopee Party as to wheter or not we do another virtual event for the year
a) Passed unanimously.
2. Marty will roll over picnic deposit to next year.
B. Workshops
1. Kristy has had to step down due to work schedule
2. Zoom Link & Info for Whoopee Party Virtual
(1) https://aristocrat.zoom.us/j/93961353652?pwd=eXdHTytYQTZDcCtuNHA0WDhSaDQ4dz09
(2) Meeting ID: 93961353652
(3) Meeting Password: 102812
C. Archives – Jake
1. As everyone has probably heard, central office is moving, Archives will be moving with central office and so lots of work to continue to organize and move everyting to the new location. Other than that, nothing really new to report currently.
D. H&I – Lou
1. Not much to report, most meetings shut down, still collecting contrinutions, current balance at $16, 125,10.
E. Grapevine – Colleen
1. No new news about physical committee meetings resuming.
2. Reminded everyone to check out new app called ePub, which can be found at grapevine.org.
F. Hotline – Janie
1. Hotline is staffed and calls coming in. Because some people have returned to work, they are unable to fill commitments. If you are willing to cover some of these shifts, please reach out to Janie. District commitment is covered for the rest of the year.
G. PI/CPC – Janie
1. Janie unable to make last PI/CPC meeting, but committee doing well overall in terms of getting information out especially considering current times. Next PI/CPC meeting is tomorrow via Zoom.
H. Intergroup – Caroline
1. For the first time ever, last month the Intergroup meeting was held prior to Disctrict meeting so report Caroline gave last month was actually on time.
2. At last Intergroup meeting, she was elected as Liaison between GS/Intergroup, so regarding mentions today about Grapevine not having any meetings currently, she should have report from April & Grapevine soon and so should have update on what’s happening with their meetings by next District meeting.
3. As noted last week, Central Office is moving ~ October to 1515 East Tropicana.
4. Rick sent out email from Rhonda regarding what three other Areas in Pacific Region are doing safely reopen their meetings. This is very helpful resource. Check it out and take it to your groups.
5. Very important – meeting schedule on central office website is currently a mess. A lot of the information is not just outdated but flat out incorrect. Please encourage groups to send emails to central office to confirm their meetings and the meeting information: whether meeting is in person, live, outdoor, times, location, etc. Please this is very important, reach out to groups and send updated information to Leslie at central office via the link on the website.
a) Current fear is that list is currently out of date and this is dangerous for the newcomer.
6. Gabriel really needs help moving the Archives. Reach out to him or Jake if you are interested in helping.
VI. Traditions & Concepts
A. Diana gave Concept 8 Summary.
B. Greg gave Tradition 8 Summary.
C. Chria will give Tradition 9 Summary in August.
VII. Old Business
A. Currently, the dates for the Fall Assembly in Tonopah are October 16th – 18th, 2020 – HOWEVER PHYSICAL MEETING HAS BEEN CANCELLED – WILL BE ZOOM EVENT.
B. Brought up note to address “Future Excess Fund” distribution. Given current funds on hand and waiting to decide what happens with picnic, we will table this and visit it again in October.
VIII. New Business
A. Since decision made to not have picnic, let’s address excess funds distribution. Libby asked Marty to make a recommendation of amount for next panel to have seed money. Marty thinks $1,000 is enough. Motion made to distribute funds in excess of $1,000 as follows: GSO: 75% / Central Office 25%
1. Motion made, passed and carried unanimously
B. FYI, elections for the rest of the year as follows:
1. October – Aarea Elections
2. Novermber – SAGSC Elections
3. December – Distrit Elections
C. We will have a District Meeting in September on the Second of the month. Rick will forward zoom meeting details.
IX. Motion to Close
A. Closed meeting at 11:53am
*See next page for Contributions Address Cheat Sheet from Jake