A. Meeting held via Zoom due to shelter-in-place orders / covid-19
B. Serenity Prayer
C. GSR Preamble
II. Minutes
A. Emailed prior to meeting. Motion to approve minutes as is made and carried.
III. Treasury, DCM, ADCM Reports
A. Treasury Report (Marty)
1. See treasury report above
2. Started out month with $2096.84, received contrbutions/deposits of $190 and zero expenses for the month. That leaves us with an ending balance of $2,286.84. Current savings balance of $504.38
3. Question and discussion about where the money for the district comes from and the related discussion about how groups may decide to split their contributions.
4. Marty noted the amount of funds we are currently sitting on and that we are waiting to disburse funds pending decisions on Fall Assembly and our District Picnic.
B. DCM Report (Libby)
1. Thank you for everyone who showed up today.
2. Will discuss workshop and picnic in detail later on today.
3. District Seven is doing a zoom workshop, Rick sent out flyer with details on that.
4. However we end up doing Fall assembly this year, this is the time that service positions will be rotating, so please give that’s some thought.
5. An 11 question survey has been sent out to GSR’s for Area inventory. Feel encouraged to take this to your group or do individually. Please have completed before the Fall Assembly and submitted to Libby. Marty is on the committee for the inventory; you may return forms to him as well. Or you may submit online.
C. ADCM Report (Diana)
1. Regarding SAGSC inventory, according to Jake via Diana, inventory can be participated in at GSR or group level. Can obtain info to help answer inventory questions from area 42 website, service manual, etc.
2. Noted that lease has been signed for new Central Office location. It will be at 1515 Tropicana; close to Marylad Parkway. Still need to build out which will take about three months.
1. Decisions still varied from group to group, but some groups are currently holding in person meetings, some holding zoom, some holding both.
2. Groups doing what they can to ensure contributions continue.
3. There are also struggles associated with holding groups together in these times. Everyone is doing their best to keep groups together, communicating, and informed.
4. The 51 Club has changed it’s meeting time – meetings are now being held at the 51 Club 8pm Sunday night – open discussion meeting.
V. Committee Reports
A. Picnic Report – Rick
1. Some discussion about how the group feels about having the picnic with the current state of coronavirus and whether or not to make a decision on holding picnic now or waiting to decide later.
2. Also suggestion from Libby that we perhaps hold a virtual picnic like district 7 is instead of the live picnic. Maybe with two speakers and share on doing service during pandemic or open mic night, etc.
3. This brought up doing the upcoming Whoopee Party workshop virtually. Discussion about this followed as well.
4. Group conscious vote taken to decide now what to do about picnic or postpone decision. Due to lack of unanimous vote, we will wait to make a decision. In the meantime Rick and Christine (and Libby) will discuss options for a virtual picnic. Decision on picnic will be made in August.
B. Workshops – Kristy
1. Following discussion of picnic and workshop, the group voted to convert the Whoopee Party workshop to a zoom event on the same date, 8/16.
2. Kristy and Lou will work to get revised flyer out after Libby sets up zoom details today
1. As everyone has probably heard, central office is moving, Archives will be moving with central office and so lots of work to continue to organize and move everyting to the new location.
2. Libby asked Jake about Tonopah, so far the last news came in the SAGSC meeting in May when Paul stated we would have the Assebmly in person. Jake will try to have updated information by our next district meeting
D. H&I – Lou
1. H&I meeting is this coming Tueday, so no new news to report other than some panels were opening up but they are all closing down now again. Will be attending Tueday meeting and have new info next month.
E. Grapevine – Colleen
1. No longer free access to Grapevine as of July 1st but they are inviting everyone to try out new app called ePub, which can be found at grapevine.org.
F. Hotline – Janie
1. Hotline is staffed and calls coming in, but Janie does need volunteer for District One hotline shift for October. If interested or if you need more information in general, please let Janie know.
a) Carol H. volunteered to cover October.
G. PI/CPC – Janie
1. Janie unable to make last PI/CPC meeting, but committee doing well overall in terms of getting information out especially considering current times.
H. Intergroup – Caroline
1. Very important – meeting schedule on central office website is currently a mess. A lot of the information is not just outdated but flat out incorrect. Please encourage groups to send emails to central office to confirm their meetings and the meeting information: whether meeting is in person, live, outdoor, times, location, etc. Please this is very important, reach out to groups and send updated information to Leslie at central office via the link on the website.
2. Central office will be moving, as Diana noted, in October.
3. PI/CPC is doing away with green can and SAGSC has agreed to fund in lieu of can donations. The committee is alive and doing well; very active; recent presentation to residents (new doctors); reaching out to high school counselors, urgent cares, and emergency medical groups.
4. CPC Chair and Alt-Chair positions will be rotating out this year and the committee is looking for people to stand for these positions.
5. Silver Streak needs articles for September, October, November, & December. Contact them through website link if interested in submitting a story.
6. Caroline has been elected to Intergroup Liaison between GS/Intergroup.
VI. Traditions & Concepts
A. Diana gave Concept 7 Summary.
B. Ralph gave Tradition 6 Summary & Colleen gave Tradition 7 Summary
C. Greg will give Tradition 8 Summary in August.
VII. Old Business
A. Currently, the dates for the Fall Assembly in Tonopah are October 16th – 18th, 2020.
B. Brought up note to address “Future Excess Fund” distribution. Given current funds on hand and waiting to decide what happens with picnic, we will table this and visit it again in October.