A. Meeting held via Zoom to due shelter-in-place orders / covid-19
B. Serenity Prayer
C. GSR Pledge
II. Minutes
A. Emailed prior to meeting. Motion to approve minutes as is made and carried.
III. Treasury, DCM, ADCM Reports
A. Treasury Report (Marty)
1. See treasury report above
2. Checked box three times since end of March, $49.18 in contrinutions in April. Starting balance of $2,122.66, less $75.00 in expenses plus April contributions leaves a current balance of $2,096.84. Also savings account balance of $504.37
3. Question posed as to why we are holding $2,000 in the operating account. Current balance a litte higher than usual because we did not have usual Spring Assembly expenses but also maintaining picnic budget. Perhaps something to address in new business.
B. DCM Report (Libby)
1. Not currently any activities going on in the area due to COVID-19 restrictions.
2. SAGSC invite and details are forthcoming, look for invite.
3. This is our May meeting, next district meeting will be June 14th, most likely via zoom. First in person meeting may be in July.
C. ADCM Report (Diana)
1. Just wanted to give update that central office is looking to relocate.
2. Intergroup website has been upldated and is is now live to accept donations online. www.lvcentraloffice.org.
IV. Intros and Group reports around the room
A. Colleen, Grapevine rep for district one, will give report later.
B. Rick, GSR for GVG 10am Daily Reflections and District One Secretary, all good.
C. Lou, GSR for Sunrise Groupd at GVG 7am every day, group currently holding zoom and physical meetings. FYI, on www.aa.org there is a COVID-19 link with regularly updated information.
D. Tony, GSR for Sickos group in Henderson, currently having zoom meeting and getting good attendance.
E. Chris, GSR for Tuesday night GVG, currently having zoom meetings only due to church closure, all good.
F. Greg, GSR for 7:30pm Sunday night closed meeting at 51 Club. No physical meeting since 3/15, no zoom meetings.
G. Christine, GSR for the Wednesday Women’s Big Book Study, currently having zoom meetings.
H. Carole, GSR for the 10am Friday Women’s Rock Solid meeting, having zoom meetings every week currently, all good.
I. Jen, GSR for the GVG Beer Thirty meeting, having some issues with holding group business meetings during COVID restrictions, group offered some advice.
J. Janey, PI/CPC and Hotline Liaison and GSR for Friday Night Steppin Out Step Study Group, currently holding zoom meetings, group getting through
K. Diana, GSR for Steps to Freedom, currently meeting twice per week via Zoom, email Diana if you would like her group’s meeting credentials, group is beginning discussions and making plans for safe re-opening so prepared.
L. Marty, GSR for the Boulder Basic Group, physical meetings cancelled and group temporarily dark, no zoom meetings. Also noted for Lost & Found Group (since Paul not in attendance today), they are currently closed also because city has closed all city buildings.
M. Caroline, Intergroup Liaison, will give report later.
N. Ron, DCM District 5B, having zoom meetings within district, meetings at 6th & St. Luis currently holding meetings on fri & sat nights, sat 7am and sun at 10am with some social distancing protocols in place.
V. Committee Reports
A. Picnic Report – Rick
1. Proposed budget for this year of $1,000
a) $200 insurance
b) $275 for bouncy house
c) $450 for food
d) $45 for cake
e) $30 speaker card/gift card
2. If we stick to this budget and do a better job of passing the backet, signage, donation at dunk tank, etc, we should still be able to have a great time like last year but get closer to breaking even on the event.
3. Other than that, repeat last year set-up, theme, band, and events – assuming we have a picnic.
4. Christine – mentioned her idea for speaker – Monique from Saturday meeting.
5. Decided that we will continue planning as usual; plan everything we can and then make a decision in August as to whether or not hold picnic.
6. Rick made statement to group that for personal reasons, will not be able to physically be at picnic, can help plan as much as possible before hand, but cannot be in that large group setting due to personal health situation in hi home.
B. Workshops – Kristy
a) Not in attendance, Libby noted that all workshops currently cancelled/postponed due to COVID-19.
C. Archives – Jake
1. Not in attendance, no report.
D. H&I – Lou
1. H&I has received the transferred funds from central office and has their own bank account now. Current balance of $15,812.44, full stock of literature, currently no events going on due to COVID-19.
E. Grapevine – (Colleen)
1. Grapevine currently giving free access via www.aagrapevine.org. Stories also recorded and can be downloaded and listeded too.
2. Every article ever published is available online in the Grapevine archives, over 10,000 stories available.
F. Hotline – Janie
1. Hotline currently doing ok with volunteers and shifts, but always looking for volunteers. Our group; however, needs June – September covered.
G. PI/CPC – Janie
1. Still brainstorming on how to get information out in this time of limited contact.
H. Intergroup – Caroline
1. Here is the Intergroup report from April 13th. Leslie, the central office manager thanked the groups for their generous contributions. Contributions can now be made at the Central Office website, LVcentraloffice.Org.
2. Because donations we’re down, central office operated at a net loss of $4,000 in March.
3. At the previous Intergroup meeting, Vickie, the board president, announced That central office was looking for a new, centrally located space. The current location is in a blighted area where the employees and volunteers do not feel safe. At the April meeting, Vickie announced that the move is on hold because the pandemic.
4. The hotline is doing great. Volunteers are always needed on the 12-step list.
5. All events in which the Committees are out carrying the message, like h&i, CPC, pi, Grapevine, and meetings to go have been cancelled because facilities are on lockdown or events have been canceled. Founders Day, Men’s night out, Woman to Woman retreat, Las Vegas Roundup, all have been canceled.
6. Meetings to go members are still reaching out via phone or Zoom to people to whom they were previously taking meetings. CPC and p i put together a news release that resulted in Stories being aired on Channel 3 that Alcoholics Anonymous is Alive and Well in southern Nevada.
7. The next Intergroup meeting is a zoom meeting on Monday, May 11th at 6 p.m. all are welcome to attend.
VI. Traditions & Concepts
A. Diana gave Concept 4 Summary.
B. Janey will give Tradition 5 Summary in June.
C. Ralph will give Tradition 6 Summary in June.
VII. Old Business
A. None.
VIII. New Business
A. It was asked if we had final dates for the Fall Assembly in Tonopah.
1. Currently, the dates for the Fall Assembly in Tonopah are October 16th – 18th, 2020.
B. Marty brought up Ralph’s question about the excess funds the district is holding. We are sitting on a bit in funds, but we also have very little coming in from contributions. Libby mentioned also that if we don’t have the picnic we will be sitting on even more, but perhaps we revisit this at a later date given current COVID-19 circumstances and do a distribution then.
1. Rick to be sure to include “Future Excess Fund” distribution on agenda to be addressed at a later time.