A. While we were waiting for everyone to arrive, Libby handed out contribution receipts.
B. Meeting officially called to order with citation of the “Serenity Prayer” at 10:18am.
C. Libby read the GSR Pledge.
D. In Attendance: Libby, Rick, Steven, Caroline, Doug, Diana, Gary, Janey, Sheri, Paul, Jake, Kristi, Dean, Dana, Chris, Lou, Kevin, David, Joan.
II. Minutes
A. Everyone received minutes, no comments or changes on minutes, but noted that Rick should bring 5 – 10 sets of minutes to each meeting. The group will reimburse Rick for printing if needed.
B. Motion to approve the minutes from February 10, 2019 made and carried.
III. Treasurer & DCM Report
A. Treasurer’s Report (Marty)
· Marty not in attendance, copies of report distributed, and report given by Steven (alt treasurer). We had a Beginning Balance of $1,675.05. Contributions for the month of $297.23 and expenses of $431.54. This leaves the group with an ending balance of $1,540.74
· Noted that we spent $324 spent to renew website recently. This is the fee for a two-year renewal
· David noted that he had a question about the website but that we would address it under New Business.
B. DCM Report
· Libby gave report.
· Libby thanked everyone for sending her to PRAASA and gave a brief report on her PRAASA trip.
a) Very thankful for the chance to go to PRAASA. It was 48 hours of intense AA immersion. The loudest thing she heard was about AA being more inclusive. “Do our groups welcome a newcomer no matter how they look?” We must keep coming from a place of love in all of AA. Express our love thru service. Does your group want a 5thedition of the big book? It’s about a decade in progress, and time to start considering it. There was a delegation there from Japan. It was inspiring having them there. Japan is celebrating 45 years of AA. The Spanish community, especially women, had a good presence and they were very involved. Young people were present and enthusiastic about service. We need to harness their excitement and passion. Lots of discussion about singleness of purpose and also about helping those who suffer from other addictions. We can’t fix everyone but we sure can love them until they find their right place. AA needs to remain strong and loving to reach as many peoples as possible. PRAASA in Tucson, AZ next year. She has flyers and information for next year to pass out and again thanked the district for the opportunity to attend.
· Various publications in AREA 42, including newsletter, Libby passed some out and suggested them as great resources. NAGSC also does a newsletter (BRACER) that has great info.
· The Pacific Regional Forum will be in Las Vegas for the year 2020. It will be from August in 21-23. Opportunity for service because they will need people to be involved. Lots of really good information.
· The Unity Forum in LA for young people will be July 13-14.
· Conference Assembly and Conference Agenda Items.
a) Spring Area Assembly is in Tonopah, April 5th, 6thand 7th
b) If group is sending you, you should be looking for hotel now. They sell out fast.
c) You can register online for the Assembly.
d) If your group doesn’t have money to send you, you can receive assistance from the district, area, and SAGSC.
e) The Spring assembly will be focused on general service conference agenda items. This is the stuff you are supposed to take back to your groups and get their opinion on to bring with you to Tonopah to vote.
f) Roundtables on some of the agenda items are being held from 1-5pm next Saturday at the Tie Club.
g) This year NY delegate conference will not be held until May.
h) Jake mentioned that you can see ALL background info on the agenda items on the Area 42 website
· The Southern Area 42 Chili cook off is being held March 23rdfrom 1-3pm at the Community Church on Greenway/Horizon. Grapevine and archives are invited. Our speaker, Ruth, will speak about how NAGSC and SAGSC got started. Our judges will be Rhonda, Claudia, Samuel (Spanish district). We will have two trophies: people’s choice and judges’ winner. Rick to Bringing coffee pot, spoons, supplies, from picnic supplies. If you have them, please bring ext. cords. Should bring one case of water. We need set up volunteers, judge supervisor, cook check-in, people’s choice vote counter, clean-up crew, etc. So, volunteers please be there by 12:15am.
C. Alternate DCM
· Diana gave ADCM report
· Libby covered pretty much everything she wanted to say, no additional report.
D. Introductions & Group Reports
· A quick round-robin to check in with each person in attendance, including their group, service position, and how everything is going with their group.
a) Steven, alt treasurer, started new big book study group in Henderson called Our Basic Text. Meets Monday nights at 7:30, meets at Oasis Church off Eastern and Wigwam – 8826 S Eastern suite 107.
b) Caroline, District 1 Intergroup Liaison, all good
c) Doug, GSR, 7am First Brew at Meeting Place, doing ok
d) Diana, GSR, Steps to Freedom, doing ok
e) Gary, Alt GSR for First Brew group at Meeting Place, all ok
f) Janey, GSR, for Friday Night Steppin Out – step study group, meets 7pm on Friday night at Community Church at Greenway/Horizon. potluck meeting needs support.
g) Sheri, GSR, Rock Solid Friday 10am, doing well
h) Paul, GSR, Lost and Found – group is currently looking into takin on H&I as well as hotline commitments.
i) Jake, Alt Area Chair, Southern Area 42 Chair, District One Archive Liaison, all ok
j) Kristi, Alt Picnic Chair, GSR, Wednesday night Women Big Book Study – brought up question about her group dropping H&I collection. Group under impression H&I sitting on tons of literature and doesn’t really need contributions. Group gave her feedback to take to group.
k) Dean, GSR for HUGS at 51 Club, doing fine
l) Dana, Alt GSR HUGS at 51 Club, doing fine
m) Chris, GSR, Tuesday night GVG, all good
n) Lou, GSR, Sunrise Group GVG, all good
o) Kevin, GSR, Searchlight, all good
p) David W, First Brew group member, newly installed co-treasurer of H&I, all good
q) Joan, Workshop Chair, all good – it’s her 17thbirthday today, celebrating at 5pm here tonight!!!!!
IV. Committee Reports:
A. Picnic
· Rick gave report
· Not much to update, have put out some feelers regarding last group discussion on insurance, bouncy house, donations, etc. – will have updates and answers for group next meeting. Has had trouble reaching prior chair – noted that she left binder and bins here at meeting place for Rick.
B. Workshops
· Joan gave report
· Workshop is set to go for May 4th. “Anyone anywhere” – 12th step calls workshop. Meeting at GVG Club from 2-4pm The Hotline, 12 Step List, Bridging the Gap, and Meeting to Go will be there. Will also have “ask it basket”. Lou will have flyer ready by time of chili cook off.
· Refreshments – usually we do pizza, are we open to doing something different – maybe fruit and veggie trays, and some cookies. Will need $50 for this and water, will pay for coffee at the club.
· Maybe we could partner with PRAASA for the 7thtradition workshop.
C. Archives
· Jake gave report
· Archives going well, have alt archive chair is in the south now (Gabriel), many changes lately (paint, floor, set-up), we have two other back rooms now and are working on getting all of it organized. Big project currently underway – going thru 10,000 audio tapes to make them digital and organizing them by subject, etc.
· Able to go to PRAASA attended both chairs and archives workshops. Really good information. Talked about digitizing archives for online access, and some other great things.
· Libby mentioned new group form – reminded everyone about using this form for new groups or to update group info.
· Have received all of the 2015-2018 Grapevines that Archives was previously asking for – thanks all!
D. H&I
· No report, Bob not in attendance
E. Grapevine
· Dean gave report
· Wasn’t at last meeting but told they had table at service assembly so if you want table for your event contact April to coordinate.
· Libby mentioned lots of great ideas for grapevine: sub for group, etc.
F. Hotline
· Janey gave report.
· Hotline doing well, if interested in being on 12 step call list, let Janey know she will pass info along as appropriate. The hotline always needs volunteers in general. If interested give her your info. Going strong currently. Need 2-3 months covered for our District 1 commitment.
· Diana gave report.
· Every month attends meeting involved in non-profit associated with safety in Las Vegas. Beasley Media contacted because we plan on doing presentation on fellowship on the radio.
· Looking for volunteers and help, if interested, let Diana know.
· For service fair, they were there, made presentations of various committees, very informative.
H. Intergroup
· Caroline gave report.
· Attended 2/11 intergroup, always meets day after our meeting
· Founders Day will be held on June 8th
· H&I Workshop to be held on April 13that the TIE Club from 1:30-3:30pm
· SWACYPAA Conference to be held Aug 15-18that The Plaza. Upcoming events to include dance and meeting in Feb at Triangle Club and Carnival in March. Rotating events in different parts of city to generate more AA support. Committee meets first Sunday at 7pm and 3rdSunday at 1pm both at CO. Need H&I Liaison, Secretary, Spanish speaking Liaison.
· Central Office committee chair need to submit a budget to SAGS and Board of Directors by September 1stin order to review if Central Office can fund 50% of budget. SAGS committee needs to know why the committee needs the money.
· Solutions is closing doors to AA meetings. Meetings to be moved to the Meeting Space. meetingspace.com for info.
· Attended PRAASA as well
a) Some quotes she liked:
(1) “isn’t the good sometimes the enemy of the best”
(2) “how we treat each other is so much more important that what we get done”
(3) “be a servant to be a leader.”
b) Went to both roundtables, got some good information
(1) accepting cc donations
(2) hosting DCM’s at central office
(3) go where the information is the weakest
(4) developing script for intergroup representatives
(5) idea to have workshop – “WTF is central office and intergroup and why do they always need money?”
I. Accessibilities (Diana):
· Refer to Diana’s PI/CPC report
V. Traditions & Concepts
· Diana gave tradition 3 summary
· Sherri gave concept 3 summary
· Paul will do concept 4 next week.
VI. Old Business:
A. Chili Cook Off
· already covered by Libby in DCM report.
B. Finance Committee
· Finance chair not here so we will put that off for next month
· We have lots flyers, please grab some, hand them out
VII. New Business:
A. District website
· David W had question about district one website and why it doesn’t or if it can have meeting groups info and schedules posted.
· Libby mentioned this not really what district one website for, we post minutes, some archive info and upcoming dates.
B. New York has come out with meeting App. Find it on aa.org website.
· Some of the women’s meetings have wrong info, Jake mentioned supposed to be pulled straight from central office website, clearly, they have some bugs to work out.
C. Diana noted that this was the first year the Ad Hoc Interpretation/Translation Committee has been able to translate all items. She further noted that they are always looking for bilingual volunteers to translate email, minutes, etc.
D. Our next district meeting will be in the Blue Room during the Assembly in Tonopah.
VIII. Motion to close made, seconded, and carried
A. Closed with responsibility pledge & meeting ended at 11:42pm