Attendance: Beth B. (GSR Stepping Out), Amber (GSR HUGS, conferenced in via phone), Erin F. (Treasurer), Kerri L. (Picnic Chair & Workshop Alternate), Kathleen B. (Workshop Chair, GSR Wed Women’s Big Book Study), Pam L. (Alt DCM, GSR Henderson Closed Group), Irene P. (GSR Searchlight Group), Steve G. (Alt GSR Daily Reflections@GVG 10 AM, H&I Liaison), Jake (Intergroup Liason, Alternate Secretary), Janey (PI/CPC), Joan R. (DCM), Liz F. (GSR Rock Solid Step Study, Secretary).
Joan opened the meeting at 10:15 AM, August 13, 2017, at Lost & Found, Boulder City. Everyone shared on what’s going on with their groups.
I. Minutes: July minutes were approved.
II. Treasurer’s Report (Erin):
Checking Account:
- Balance (as of 7/9/17) = $1016.45
- Expenses = $97.22
- Contributions/Deposits = $232.45
- Current Checking Balance = $1151.68
Savings Account:
- Savings Balance (as of 7/9/17) $503.72
- Interest Earned = $0.02
- Current Savings Balance = $503.74
Balance reconciled with Wells Fargo Account Summaries. Details upon request.
The accounts are linked. Paperwork for bank statements for the past year are available if anyone wants to see them. Erin still can’t access account. Need to do paperwork with full names for Tom, Claudia, Erin & Joan. There is someone at the bank willing to do it now so should do it soon. Also, need to set this up for next treasurer so they won’t have the same problem.
Workshop Figures:
Thirty (30) people in attendance Totals:
$47 – 7th Tradition Expenses $61.15
$28.15 (5 Pizzas) Contributions $47.00
$3.00 (3 Pots of coffee) Net – $14.15
$25.00 (Refundable rent deposit)
$30.00 (Non-refundable rent deposit)
III. Committee Reports:
A. Picnic (Kerri): Thank you to Erin for her many suggestions. Libby is making flyer and someone will put it in Silver Streak. Joan will put the flyer on google drive. Discussion led to a motion to eliminate the DJ, which passed unanimously. Kerri volunteered to do the kids’ games (which the DJ would have done). Erin will help with Kids’ games. Janey will contact Tori to do face painting. Kerri will get prizes for kids’ games and a piñata and candy and she will be reimbursed. The budget for games, piñata and candy is $50. There is a karaoke machine at the 51 Club. Someone will contact Captain Kirk about using it for the picnic.
Regarding the 50/50 raffle basket: Erin researched this and found that a 50/50 raffle is indeed gambling and therefore a permit is required. The permit costs money and would take too long to obtain. A motion to NOT do a 50/50 raffle at the picnic passed unanimously.
B. Workshops (Kathleen): The July 22 workshop was great – thank you Erin! Plans for the November workshop are coming along. We will have to pay for a location. GVG charges 90 cents per person plus $3 per pot of coffee. The Meeting Place is a flat $1 per person. Since moving around to different locations for workshops helps get more people involved, it might be best to try The Meeting Place. Karen L. is the Meeting Place liaison. Kathleen will get all this decided/arranged and she will have the flyer available by Tonopah. There will be pizza for the workshop.
C. Archives (Kristy): Absent. No report.
D. H&I (Steve): There is nothing new to report.
E. Grapevine (Liz): Liz went to the meeting but there is nothing new to report.
F. Hotline (Bobby): Absent. No Report. Irene’s group is sharing a hotline slot with another group. We need someone to fill our District One hotline commitment Monday September 4. Jake has the hotline info packet and the 12 Step list.
G. PI/CPC (Janey): All’s well, spreading the word.
H. Intergroup (Jake):
- As usual, the next Intergroup meeting is tomorrow. As of the last meeting, Central Office took 302 info calls and 63 Twelve Step calls. The hotline took 1862 info calls and 153 Twelve Step calls. The website had 5220 hits for the month (approximately 175 visits per day). The balance for all committees combined was $ 13,067.05 and the Central Office bank account total was $ 19,335.92.
- When events are posted on the Central Office and Area websites, people really do try to not schedule over other events. Jake will be happy to post our events on websites if he knows the day and time. The November 4th date is currently open.
- A print subscription for Silver Streak costs Silver Streak money, so please get it on line if possible.
I. Accessibilities (Barbie): Absent. No report.
IV. Old Business
A. Recording District One Meetings: Pam’s recorder is unavailable, but someone pointed out that Liz can just use a phone app. Liz will do that, if necessary. It is getting easier for Liz to manage the minutes without a recording.
B. District One Hosting Fall Assembly (Joan): There is a huge amount to do so please everyone step up to help. A sign-up sheet went around and some slots were filled but some are still open. Pam will get coolers from people.