I. Minutes: December 2016 minutes approved.
II. Treasurer’s Report (Erin): We have $908.62 in our checking account and $503.57 in our savings account. The latest collection of contributions is $156.48 and this will be deposited into checking.
III. Committee Reports:
A. Picnic (Kerri): Kerri needs the binder in order to get started. The picnic will be on Saturday, October 14, 2017 from 11 AM to 4PM.
B. Workshops (Kathleen): Ideas for workshops to be held in April, summer and November are: (i) Steps 1 through 3; (ii) A Traditions Play and (iii) Step 11. We will work jointly with District 9 (Vicky) on these. Kathleen will speak to Libby (Area Workshop Chair) soon.
C. Archives (Kristy): Area 42 Archives has a new meeting time of 5PM, the 3rd Saturday of each month at Central Office. Kristy asked if there is financing for printing, and discussion revealed the answer is no, we should just use the website.
D. H&I (Steve): Kristy presented the H&I report at SAGSC meeting. See SAGSC meeting for report. NOTE: There is an H&I workshop on January 29 from 12:30 PM to 2PM at KCB.
E. Grapevine (Liz): Liz was unable to attend the December meeting so there is no report.
F. Hotline (Bobby): We voted to continue our District 1 commitment to cover the first Monday shift (8PM to 8AM) of each month. Pam did the January shift and she says it is really easy! A sign up sheet was passed around. Libby will coordinate this. We are still looking for a Tuesday captain who calls volunteers a couple of days before their shift to confirm. Want to add three more people for twice a year to have the physical phone to transfer the calls.
G. PI/CPC (Janey): No report
H. Intergroup (Jake): Jake presented report at SAGSC meeting. See SAGSC minutes for his report.
I. Accessibilities (Barbie): Barbie presented her report at SAGSC meeting. See SAGSC minutes for her report.
IV. Old Business:
A. Finance Guidelines Ad Hoc Committee: Pam, Joan and Erin will serve on this single purpose committee.
V. New Business:
A. Joan will be attending the PRAASA meeting (March 3-5 in Sacramento, CA) and she has a bill that she needs to be reimbursed for.
B. Erin raised the issue of whether to let the website auto renew for two years and we voted to do so.