January 2017 minutes approved.


Erin renewed website for $323.76 . After deposits and expenses, our new checking balance is $951.14 . Savings balance is $503.57 . Erin will get online access and provide password and ID to Joan if we do not already have online access. Every time she tried to log on, she received an “Unavailable at this time” screen.  She will go to bank next week to figure out the issue.


A.   Picnic (Kerri): Kerri still doesn’t have the binder, but Dee has it.

B.   Workshops (Kathleen): Kathleen met with Amber and made progress on the first of three proposed workshops. The first workshop (based on the 12 Traditions checklist) will be on Saturday April 22, 2017. There will be three speakers and a traditions play. Considering various church locations, Steve suggested GVG which has a nice venue and no charge. Steve will check to see if GVG is free on 4/22. Jake will check with the Presbyterian church on Valle Verde & Wigwam, in case GVG doesn’t work out. Food will be pizza, coffee, water and anything else we can make ourselves. Kathleen will propose a budget. Steve suggested getting an announcement into Silver Streak. Editor of Silver Streak (Ken K.) will do a flyer? Pam suggested getting a flyer to the SAGSC roundtables.

C.   Archives (Kristy): I went to the Area 42 archives meeting on January 20, 2017. Gabriel the Area 42 Archivist and I were the only ones in attendance. He showed me through the archives, which are housed at central office.  There is a lot of history there going back to the 1950’s. It is his first experience with archives as well. I attended Servicefest at the TIE Club on Sunday February 4, 2017 and helped with the archives display. There is a binder for each district. It was wonderful to see the histories of the groups. I went through District 1’s binder and am working on getting updated information to the area from our district. I have reached out to Jake Area 42 alt-registrar to get a list of all the registered meetings in District 1. With that list I will be contacting as many groups as I can to get group histories and to attend business meeting so I can talk to the groups about the importance of archive. If you would like me to attend a business meeting or speak to your group about the importance of archives. Please call me 928-219-7981 or email me @ Kristymservice@gmail.com

Archive Budget Proposal: I am asking for $50.00 for the 2-year panel to support District 1 Archives. The funds would be used in in the following manner:

  • To print group history forms to hand out when I visit groups and attend District 1 events, print the District 1 registered meeting list so that I have all of the contact information for all the meetings, and a flyer I have created with my contact information to give to groups and hand out at District 1 events. To print the colored flyers if they are emailed to me by the groups so that I can build on what Libby began, a complete District 1 Archive.
  • $5.00 to order The A.A. Archives pamphlet which are free but, there is shipping and handling so when I visit groups I have information to give them along with my contact flyer. The fee is $10.00 but am splitting the fee with Area 42 SAGS Archives.
  • Ink cartridges- 1 combo pack that contains 1 color and 1 black ink cartridge each $65.99 at Office Depot. I am asking for half $32.99.
  • 3 reams of paper @ $3.47 per ream at Wal-Mart. 3 reams of paper = $10.41 not including tax
  • The A.A. Archives Pamphlet $5.00
  • Printer Cartridges $32.99 not including tax
  • Total Price $48.40

Archives Flyer (to distribute to District 1 groups):

District 1 Archives

A.A. cofounder Bill W. was aware of the confidentiality difficulties that could face A.A’s archives collections. Nonetheless, he perceived the vision to see the need for historical accuracy and anonymity were not incompatible. Noting in a letter dated 1957that A.A’s past was “still veiled in the deep fog,” he expressed a desire to preserve the Fellowship’s original documents and artifacts. “We are trying,” he wrote, “to build up extensive records that will be of value to future historians… It is highly important that the factual material be placed in our files in such a way that there can be no substantial distortion.”

Only through the systematic maintenance of our written, permanent historical record can we prevent the distortion and remember where we came from. (The A.A. Archives pamphlet)

What are archives items? Anything that can be part of a group history such as meeting schedules, event flyers, phone lists, written history forms, change forms, or anything you might feel is important.

Please save a copy of all group information for the District 1 archives or email it to Kristymservice@gmail.com

Archive unofficial motto: Don’t throw anything away.

Kristy M. District 1 Archivist

Email: Kristymservice@gmail.com

Phone: 928-219-7981

D.   H&I (Steve): H&I would prefer that groups donate to H&I as often as possible, rather than waiting to save up a large amount before donating. GSRs, please announce that to your groups.

Report from the January H&I meeting:

Newly elected positions were present:

Chairperson… Christy

Secretary…. Yvonne

Corrections…. Alan V.

Institutions… Nick

Bridging the Gap… Lenny

Treasurer… Tigger

Treasurer report: Income: $2449.86

New Balance $5380.04

Expenses -$3469.45

Balance $1910.59

Prudent Reserve – $1000

Final balance $910.59


H & I New Business:

  • Bridging the GAP: volunteers needed. I have info on that. Great response from patients and volunteers.
  • North CCDC. Valley Corrections …Every other Sunday 7pm to 8pm and 8pm to 9pm
  • All CCDC facilities now being served. Need volunteers… See me for Application information.
  • McClure State Prison, New mtg… Monday 10 am
  • Inspirations Recovery Center… It was agreed to do a trial run of meetings on the last Friday of the month 7pm to 8pm… Sandhill and Russell. Co-Ed facility.
  • .. Spanish meeting coordinator…. inquired on getting members to the facilities for Spanish speakers. he has a group to take in to facilities.
  • District 15 hosting Sponsorship workshop Saturday Feb 25th 130 to 330pm at the TIE Club!


E.   Grapevine (Liz): Liz went to January meeting and signed up on line as District 1 Grapevine rep. Liz is trying to find out which District 1 groups don’t have Grapevine reps so she can promote Grapevine interest at those groups.

F.    Hotline (Bobby): Gary gave report. District 1 is still doing first Monday of the month and Libby is coordinating this. Kerri volunteered to do March 4.

G.   PI/CPC (Janey): Janey was not here, but Beth said that Janey will be at the next District 1 meeting.

H.   Intergroup (Jake): Intergroup meets on the second Monday of the month at Central Office at 6 PM. “Intergroup” is Central Office and all the committees: Accessibilities, Archives, H&I, Hotline, Grapevine and PI/CPC. The January report recorded that Central office fielded 602 informational calls and 55 twelve step calls. Hotline answered 2,162 calls, 124 of them 12 step.

I.   Accessibilities (Barbie): Barbie not here, no report.


A.    Finance Guidelines Ad Hoc Committee: Brief meeting today (directly after this meeting) to choose a regular meeting time.


A.   GSR Awareness Committee: Joan suggested forming a “GSR Awareness Committee.” This committee would reach out (ideally) to all District 1 groups and inform those that don’t have GSRs about the process. The motion passed. The AA Directory (a hard copy directory of meetings) was suggested as a resource to locate District 1 meetings.

B. Budget for Archives: Archives budget of $50 to cover two years’ expenses was approved.

District 1 Minutes February 2017