I. Minutes: approved
II. Treasurer’s Report (Tom): Handed summary and detail sheets. $1587.45 savings $503.26. Wrote two checks for GSRs to attend and $115 for pizza for meeting.
III. Committee Reports
A. Picnic (Bridget): Went over picnic buy list with Libby before the meeting. Need volunteer for group to donate Hardcover Big Book. Tom W. says Beer 30 will donate book. Ask group if they will donate literature for door prizes. Please bring coolers to put in ice. Need four coolers. Ted, Tom, and Barbara? Joan will get key for building from city Thursday before and will get podium. Barbara will get ½ sheet cake “Thank You from District One”. Bridget will schedule shopping with Ted and Tom on Friday at Smart and Final. Will need food set up, put food on tables and need clean up volunteers. Libby says face painter will be there, so we need to get face paint 2 kits.
B. Workshops (Libby): August 31 attend District 13 business meeting to iron out details of next workshop. Will be October 24 2-:30 Triangle Club Concepts District 13 will get speaker for Concepts 7 -12 will Workshop We will get a speaker for Concepts 1 – 6. Ruth did a presentation and traveled around on the Concepts. Libby will ask around during Assembly. Libby working on writing a Concepts play for presentation. District 13 will hold a raffle at the workshop to raise funds to send their DCM and GSR to Assembly. Food will be provided.
C. Archives (open): Audrey volunteers to fill position. Will talk to Rhonda. Libby will bring her box of District One archives to next district meeting.
D. H&I (Tony): New Big Book meeting at Freedom House Wednesday 6 pm Steve M 702-582-5899. Monte Vista has changed everything to do Mon, Wed Fri 7 pm, Sat 8 pm and Sun 9:30 am. Must have 1 year of sobriety and complete a release form at Monte Vista. Bill S. 702-807-7729.
E. Grapevine (Joan): Sold some Grapevines.
F. Hotline (Ted): Four spots open on hotline right now. Shifts available are 8 pm to 8 am shifts. One time per month. Can be an individual or a group commitment. Call Claudia F. at 702-493-9694 or call Ted. He has hotline orientation packets.
G. PI/CPC (open): Meets Second Monday of the Month at 4:30 pm. Tony volunteers to fulfil the position. Cherie, the CPC chair says Henderson PD Safety Event October 17 Galleria Mall South Parking Lot. Will have table 9 am. We do have other things to do in the district territory. Check on literature racks or bring racks to locations. Thank you to groups who have been passing the Green can they have brought PI/CPC back into the black. Contact Cherie for volunteer opportunities 702-366-5736 cmatisse@hotmail.com
H. Intergroup (open): Ted attends Intergroup meeting so he will bring report back to District One unless someone else. Tony M. says he will go with Ted after his surgery and.
I. Special Needs (Verna): absent.
IV. Old Business
A. AA Service Manual Ch. 5 Discussion to be led by Tom W. : Chapter 5 is on the Area Committee so each Area is a bit different and some of the things described in the Service Manual may be a bit different than what Area 42 does. The purpose of the Area Committee is communication. In some Areas past delegates participate in Area Committee, but ours do not. The Chair of AC is Phil and keeps the Delegate informed. He takes info from all districts and committees and brings. Secretary Paul and Registrar Emily. Paul records and distributes minutes and Emily maintains records for districts and groups Including group GSR and group numbers. Our treasurer, Tina just stepped into position. Past Delegates have a wealth of experience, but they are asked not to be GSRs or DCMs again. On page 47 each area sends at least 1600 to GSO to contribute to the the General Service Conference. We pay 4000 dollars a year just to support the conference. That does not cover the cost of sending delegate to represent the Area in New York. North America operates independently from other countries, but Joan R. will present
B. Group Discussion: Ted: Using last names in AA and in General Service. We are not anonymous on a group level or in General Service we need to be known to each other. At the level of press, radio and films but not before. Social Media is considered as “press”. Cherie mentions the new Anonymity pamphlet. Pat says that inside the group we should know last names but outside the meeting it is different. It is about me staying right sized and not becoming a guru in Alcoholics Anonymous. Each individual person.
V. New Business
A. Ten minutes for problems/questions/concerns: Ask It Basket? How do we encourage members to get involved in General Service?
District 1 Meeting Minutes September 2015
Richard B. | Thursday Boulder City Grp. GSR | Ted G | Alt. DCM/Hotline |
Pam | Henderson 51 Club GSR | Libby G. | Area Web/Workshop Chair |
Tony S. | H& I Liaison | Jane P. | Tuesday Henderson GSR |
Tony M. | Monday Night Smell the Roses GSR | Jacque J. | 7am Sunrise Group GSR |
Jim F. | GVG Daily Reflections GSR | Claudia B. | DCM |
Tom W. | Treasurer/Beer 30 GSR | Bridget A. | Picnic Chair/Precisely How GSR |
Joni S. | Beer 30 Alt GSR | Holger H. | GSR |
Jake S. | SAGSC Grapevine Chair | Barbara B. | Alt. Sec./Rock Solid Step Study GSR |
Audrey S. | GSR |