1. Minutes: approved
  2. Treasurer’s Report (Tom): Balance 1435.72 1742.72 total when rest of deposit clears. DJ check hasn’t

cleared yet.

III. Committee Reports

A. Picnic (Bridget): Picnic coming along. Libby completed flyers and will have them at next month’s meeting. It seems there are a lot more kids coming I want to have more kids games so I wanted to have little prizes for an egg toss or a coin toss. Is it okay if I check out prices for little prizes. Will investigate cost.

B. Workshops (Libby): Jack will be there 2 -4 pm. Passed out a few more flyers. Will bring snacks but its too late for pizza. For third workshop, Claudia talked to Alison at Triangle Club District 13 for having workshop there for legacy of service. Want to do something light but to do with concepts. Looking for something like the traditions play. October 24th tentative date. Libby will follow up with Alison.

C. Archives (Dee): absent
D. H&I (Cherie): Filled in for Tony last H&I meeting. Need a new Bridging the Gap chair. Need folks

on panels. Meeting this coming Tuesday 6 pm. H&I meets 3rd Tuesday of the Month at Central Office. E. Grapevine (Joan): Grapevine writing workshop District 13 host at Triangle Club 4600 S. Nellis,

Saturday, June 27 2 – 3:30 pm.

F. Hotline (Ted): Tom served on our shift for June and said it went smoothly. Ted says that only five shifts still open in the main Hotline schedule, so things are going well. Will call July volunteer for District One. Call Billy if interested in one of remaining shifts 702-493-8529.

G. PI/CPC (Kathleen): Kathleen is taking care of a gravely ill loved one, so she hasn’t been able to do as much as in the past. Group says thank you and do what you can, when you can. Cherie says she has created a Green can label for PI/CPC. Cherie will talk to groups at business meetings if you like. Need representatives on group level and doing green can. Grapevine to libraries in district and literature racks in local health centers. Suicide Prevention Walk will be in Henderson on September 12th. Needs volunteers not going to Tonopah to help out. Have at least 12 organizations that have requested literature racks. Met with CCSD to bring in literature to schools. Cherie has talked to CPC desk in New York and they will help with events in the fall. Meeting at central office Second Monday of every month at 4:30 at Central Office.

  1. Intergroup (Kariene): absent
  2. Special Needs (Verna): absent

District 1 address: PO Box 90486, Henderson, NV 89009 Page

MEETING MINUTES DISTRICT 1 – June 14, 2015 IV. Old Business

A. AA Service Manual Ch. 2 Discussion led by Ted G.: Chapter 2 has to do with GSR and his/her duties. Requirements and suggested previous experience. Registration with GSO important because GSR is contact for national directories. AA Group pamphlet explains GSR role as representative of group conscience.

B. District One Guidelines: Joan will send everyone a copy this month to prepare for discussion next month.

V. New Business

A. Ten minutes for problems/questions/concerns: Ask It Basket? Tom we have issues with non- alcoholics or someone who does not identify as an alcoholic sharing at meetings. Maybe we can put that on agenda for next month.

Bridget A.

Picnic Chair/Precisely How GSR

Janey P.

GVG Tues Open Diss. GSR

Tony S.

H&I Liaison

Barbara B.

Alt. Sec./Rock Solid GSR


GVG Prin. Bef. Pers. GSR

Ted G.

Alt DCM/Alt Picnic Chair/Hotline


Beer 30 Alt GSR

Kathleen B.


Tom W.

Treasurer/Beer 30 GSR

Cherie M.

CPC Chair

Libby G.

Workshop Chair

Claudia B.


Jacque J.

GVG Sunrise Group GSR

Joan R.

Secretary/Lost & Found GSR

Jake L.

GVG Sunrise Group Alt. GSR

District 1 address: PO Box 90486, Henderson, NV 89009 Page